Document Scanning Solutions in Fairfield, CT

Further Reading: Document Scanning Solutions in Fairfield, CT

Document Scanning in Fairfield, CT

Digitize Your Documents

Our Middletown, Connecticut scanning facility is alarmed, monitored and keypad secure, so your documents are always local and safe.

Fill out the form to get in touch and see how A&A can help transform your organization.

Our scansmart document scanning team has years of experience improving the workplace for a number of industries and organizations, including municipalities, healthcare facilities, school systems, law offices and more.

  • Documents scanned at 300 dpi
  • PDF or TIFF archival quality formats
  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for easy searching
  • Uncommon substrates such as onionskin or carbon
  • Wide format oversize blueprints and architectural drawings
  • Automatic despeckle and deskew settings
  • Document pick up and delivery service
  • Free document storage while we complete your project
  • Digital documents delivered on portable hard drive or Laserfiche repository
  • Secure cloud upload delivery also available

Fill out the form for a free file assessment.

Further Reading: Document Scanning Solutions in Fairfield, CT

Document Scanning Solutions in Fairfield, CT FAQs

Can you manage our current print devices so we don’t have to buy new ones?

Yes, A&A can help you manage your current printers and MFPs so you don’t have to buy or lease new ones. We reserve the opportunity to inspect your equipment to ensure that it is in good working condition, in which case there should be no need for you to acquire new equipment unless you deem necessary.

Did You Know?

It costs $25,000 to fill a four-drawer file cabinet, and it costs $2,160 to maintain that file cabinet.

Source: no source

The average office worker spends 400 hours per year searching for lost documents.

Source: no source

It costs the average company $20 in labor to file a document; $120 to find a misfiled document; and $220 to replace a lost document.

Source: no source

Trash is considered public property. Identity theft thieves like that.

Source: Security Magazine

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