Scanning Services in West Hartford, CT

Handle Your Digital Documents With Our Scanning Services West Hartford, CT

Document scanning opens up ways to share information and collaborate throughout your office. With modern document scanners in West Hartford, CT from A&A Office Systems, scanning hundreds of pages is quick and effortless. From there, you can store your digital documents on your network, share them with colleagues, and access or distribute them on the internet.

  • Scan hundreds of pages in minutes in both color and black and white
  • Duplex scan both sides of a page simultaneously for even greater efficiency
  • Avoid scanning errors with auto de-skew and auto size detection features
  • Create files in PDF, JPEG, TIFF and other standard formats
  • Quickly route your documents to locations on your network
  • Retain crucial data from your paper files
  • Reduce your power usage and costs thanks to energy-efficient designs

A&A's scansmart imaging team can even help with your backfile conversion, whether you have just a few boxes or a whole room of filing cabinets.

Did You Know?

56% of companies with high print volumes report being MPS

Source: CompTIA

It costs $25,000 to fill a four-drawer file cabinet, and it costs $2,160 to maintain that file cabinet.

Source: no source

The average office worker spends 400 hours per year searching for lost documents.

Source: no source

It costs the average company $20 in labor to file a document; $120 to find a misfiled document; and $220 to replace a lost document.

Source: no source

1 in 5 data breaches involve paper records.

Source: BakerHostetler Incident Response Report

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